Reply To: The Rav Kanievsky Har Habayis “miracle”

Home Forums Tzadikim Stories & Yartzheits The Rav Kanievsky Har Habayis “miracle” Reply To: The Rav Kanievsky Har Habayis “miracle”


the problem here is the way the story was protested by the people telling it over here. rav kaniesvky is a gadol but the issue here is saying that there was some miracle done for this person in the form of the officer getting killed to save him from going to court and relating the story like that is wrong and distasteful. now if it was just protrayed to focus on the fact that the rav had Ruach hakodesh and that because of that we see his greatness that would be one thing but it wasn’t and that’s why people are not seeing that point and o my seeing the negative which I can’t blame them for……as far as the miracle here not knowing the facts on that guys case and from u understand the meaning of a miracl, this was not one. saying this does not take away from rav kanievsky greatness.