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This was copied and pasted fromm the Yshivaworld news web site of video taped Satmar camp activities on Tisha Bav

Thousands of boys from the Satmar camps in the Catskills gathered at the main campus in Napanoch NY, with smiling youngsters carrying homemade signs bearing messages such as “Israeli army is not for Jews.” Rows upon rows of chairs were set up on the camp grounds, where a large stage was adorned with banners in English and Hebrew bashing the Israeli government including “Zionism = Brutality” and “Forced draft into the immoral Israel Army is nothing but an attempt to uproot our Judaism.”

The veteran director of the camp, Rabbi David Rosenberg, opened the event, explaining to the children that the first Satmar Rebbe ZATZAL said that every generation is obligated to continue the fight against Amalek.