Reply To: Why a Bigger Yarmulka is a Better Yarmulka

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Why a Bigger Yarmulka is a Better Yarmulka Reply To: Why a Bigger Yarmulka is a Better Yarmulka


I remember R’ Bender speaking about Jewish levush. He said it’s like one sign of a kosher animal – the split hooves. It’s the external sign of being a Jew. An animal needs both signs, internal and external, to be kosher. We have a term for having only the external sign – pig feet, or in Yiddish, chazzer fissel (did I get that right?). If you have only the dress, but don’t live the Torah way, it’s worthless. I still can hear his voice in my head – “LOOK AT ME!!! I’M KOSHER!!! With the black hat, and the white shirt and black jacket – you’re like the pig showing that he thinks he’s kosher! Without the inside, you’re nothing!”
Joseph, you can wear the biggest kippah, but when you’re rotten inside, you’re like a pig showing off its hooves.