Reply To: Confederate Statues

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“Recent statue removing has nothing to do with trying to eradicate discrimination ”
Obviously. IT is symbolic of course it doesn’t actualy eradicate racisim.”

It all depends from which perspective you are coming from (as below)

“its simply a … Anti-American act ”
Lol. ISnt supporting the confederacy the utmost “Anti-American act”

There is quiet a difference between “supporting the confederacy” and the ‘people’ of the confederacy. Half of Americans who helped build this country were on the south. After the war they were still Americans and, generals like Lee were their leaders.

“who still can’t take the defeat by the rednecks. ”
You need to brush up on your history. The rednecks lost the civil war”

Rednecks defeat as of the recent election…as you know what I meant.

Think about it — why NOW?

” Some of these statues are over hundred years old.”
that should read “few”

The point is, they are part of American history and they were leaders of the south, and were not erected for the sake of “racism”, these “few” indicate that.

Fact – slavery (unfortunately!) at the time was considered the culturally norm — George Washington had slaves and so did Jefferson and so is the constitution ‘racist’. It was time for change and many opposed it, including many slaves from the south.
Every president and leader at one point and until recent had some elements of “racism”, let it be against the “poor white” Irish, women etc., American Civil rights was an uphill battle and long process, which progressed with the time.
Are we going to take down Mt Rushmore and every leader until recent?
Are we going to ban all studies from anyone who ever supported slavery (e.g. Aristotle)?
You have to know how to differentiate between real hate and what was simply a cultural issue.
The latest is just a result of a Leftist agenda of Anti-Nationalism, Pro-globalization, Anti-Religion, Anti-Right etc.