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Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Can a Non-Religious Jew be a Tzadik? Reply To: Can a Non-Religious Jew be a Tzadik?

Lilmod Ulelamaid

“In caring for the children, I taught them blessings and Hebrew songs. When they went to bed, I recited the Shema with them and t old them Jewish stories. I knew many miracle stories of tzaddikim, and I invented others. The children were captivated by these tales that allowed them to escape to a different world. They used to beg me, “One more story, one more story!”
Occasionally Dr. Koczak would sit in and listen. He told me that me was impressed by the impact I had on the children……
On such occasions, I would talk with Dr. Korczak at length, sometimes late into the night. Dr. Korczak asked me to tell him about how I had come to learn in the Bais Yaakov Seminaray. He was curious and open to everything that I told him.”

(ibid, p. 91)