Reply To: The Age Gap and the Musical Chairs of Shidduchim👴👶🏻🎶💺💺

Home Forums Shidduchim The Age Gap and the Musical Chairs of Shidduchim👴👶🏻🎶💺💺 Reply To: The Age Gap and the Musical Chairs of Shidduchim👴👶🏻🎶💺💺


Where does the premise that there are so many girls than boys come from?

You make it seem like a machine churns out a fixed number of boys and girls per year, and the boys date younger girls – so some girls dont have a match – that isn’t correct. There are many schools for boys and girls around the country, there are also people who get divorced and come back into the mix, single people from all over europe and Israel, it’s not this fixed type system.

Additionally we learn just about everything from the Avos, (Ma’ase Avos siman L’Bonim) we mention Avrohom, Yitchock, and Yaakov three times a day in our davening, and the prime shidduch parsha is with Yitzchock; so we should learn how to do everything from the Avos – except when it comes to marrying a younger girl, like all three Avos; we should now do not like the Avos – and have boys marry older girls – makes a lot of sense? Where in our great history do we see this (not counting the rare one off cases) for the masses?

Someone please clarify…