Reply To: a Wake up call for Yeshiva’s & Bais Yaakov’s

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“The OP’s point is that our mainstream yeshivos can easily be more inclusive by providing a wider array of services. Some of this requires additional staff with specialized training. Other ideas might be better training of the regular staff/faculty. Both of these are likely to meet up with considerable resistance. So even to the degree that we may agree with the OP, remaining skeptical that these ideas will fly is predictable.”

That is the problem, that we are letting the people on the top-Principles & school administrators-choose that its not worthwhile to invest in training the teachers to implement the new methods. The system is broken, our schools pretend that all students are A students or at least average & there is no such thing as a struggling student IN THEIR SCHOOLS. this is why it is time to take a stand & find ways to help our students instead of just standing by & watching them struggle. It has gotten so bad that the struggling students feel they have no one or no where to turn to as in the case Of Malky Klein A”H. If we all take a stand on this issue then IY”H there won’t be another Malky Klein Situation