Reply To: The Age Gap and the Musical Chairs of Shidduchim👴👶🏻🎶💺💺

Home Forums Shidduchim The Age Gap and the Musical Chairs of Shidduchim👴👶🏻🎶💺💺 Reply To: The Age Gap and the Musical Chairs of Shidduchim👴👶🏻🎶💺💺


If you all can’t see that you’re being manipulated by an extremely well-funded and relentless propaganda campaign that knows exactly what buttons to push to get you to follow along, and if you don’t believe my questions and challenges are significant enough that they deserve real answers, not simply deflections, then go ahead and play along. You and your children are the ones who ultimately have to live with the conseuqences of your choices. NASI will not be there for you if things don’t work out. In fact, if things don’t work out you and your children will be stigmatized by your neighbors for being “blemished”. So go ahead and take a gamble with one of the most important decisions you can make in life. Put your trust in shadchanim and the people pulling their strings, and base your decision on who to marry based on other people’s concerns more than what’s best for you and your children.

Frankly, I think you should emulate the Gedolim. The overwhelming majority of them do not marry women older than them, nor do their sons. There are a small number of exceptions, and they only married older women because they were the most suitable individual, not because they thought they were solving some demographic issue. I think you should follow their example. But if you want to play games with your lives, be prepared to deal with the condequences of making a serious mistake.

I’m a real person posting under my real name who really cares. If I caused even one person here who steps back and really thinks, it’s worth it. If not, so be it. I’m dealing with a community that equates independent thinking with heresy, so I know the odds are against me. Good luck to you all.