Reply To: Is It Just Me, Or Are Frum Homes Becoming ‘Colder’ And More Like Offices?

Home Forums Around the House Is It Just Me, Or Are Frum Homes Becoming ‘Colder’ And More Like Offices? Reply To: Is It Just Me, Or Are Frum Homes Becoming ‘Colder’ And More Like Offices?


The trend is real and long-overdue. Younger families like the clean and uncluttered look without all the dust collectors their parents managed to accumulate. They are less attached to “stuff” and don’t have the guilt about throwing out junk from the parents’ and grandparents’ homes they have no use for and had no real market value. Photos are available on your phone or PDA and only a few warrant being framed. They are considerably more discriminating in what items have emotional attachments and everything else is expendable. No more plastic slip covers on the couch, no more piles of seforim that will never be opened, etc. etc. With lots of kids, you have enough junk without accumulating more from prior generations.