Reply To: If You Won’t Allow A Person To Defend Themselves

Home Forums Rants If You Won’t Allow A Person To Defend Themselves Reply To: If You Won’t Allow A Person To Defend Themselves

🍫Syag Lchochma

“But please keep in mind, as you yourself have mentioned in the past – there are all kinds of Rabbanim in the world, so make sure that you ask the right one. When it comes to Hilchos Loshon Hara, you really need to make sure that you ask someone who is a baki in this particular area and has lots of experience asking sheilahs of this sort. It is not merely a matter of being a Talmid Chacham and knowing the halachos thoroughly – it also takes a lot of perception and understanding of people. ”

Your condescending tone and presumptions about my level of learning and understanding are unsupported. Misty because o don’t find it apprppriate to speak in learning in a mixed forum does not mean I am not well versed in hilchos l”h or that I need guidance in shopping for an appropriate rov.