Reply To: Yemois (Ha)moshiach ?

Home Forums Wonders of Creation Yemois (Ha)moshiach ? Reply To: Yemois (Ha)moshiach ?


Once or twice a month, there are a bunch of guys who run around Crown Heights near 770 waving yellow flags screaming various nigunim about Rebbe Moishiach etc. At first, they got some attention but over the years they have morphed into the fabric of background noise that goes with the turf….Their comical appearances do not have us fixated on looking for some heilege-looking yid riding a white donkey coming up Beford Ave making a right turn on Eastern Parkway….The vast majority of Yidden truly believe that we don’t warrant z’man moishiach until we have overcome the sinas chinam and demonstrated the achdus for all of klal yisroel that arguably is the reason for the churban habayis galus in the first place