Reply To: Makom Kavua – Being Kicked out of your Seat

Home Forums Rants Makom Kavua – Being Kicked out of your Seat Reply To: Makom Kavua – Being Kicked out of your Seat



“You implied that nicely asking someone to move out of your makom kavua might be assur.”

I did int say assur, I said “wrong” . And Im sorry if I misunderstood your post, I left yo uas “perhaps” since it wasnt clear to me if you viewed that exchange as wrong. I didnt mean to misinterpret your position

“In 9 out of 10 cases, the guest will feel much more comfortable if you left out the two lines about the seat. No question in my mind.”

“In fact, I strongly doubt that other commenters on this site are capable of paskening shailos either. ”
Im, not sure what that means. Im pretty sure almost everyone hear can pasken what beracha to make on an apple. Almost no one can pasken what to do about a wife of a baal teshuva who wants to be migayer.
“Paskening” whether it is ok to politely ask someone to switch seats is closer to the former.

I guess we run in different crowds in 99/100 of those I know they would be thankful not to inconvenience someone else by taking his seat . No question in my mind either.
Perhaps it depends on minhag hamokom then.