Reply To: Why is the frum world seeing more divorces while it’s dropping by the secular?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Why is the frum world seeing more divorces while it’s dropping by the secular? Reply To: Why is the frum world seeing more divorces while it’s dropping by the secular?


@yytz “There are no reliable statistics about frum divorce rates from the past or the present, so we don’t know whether they are going up or down”

It should be easy to work out how divorce rates have changed in the frum kehilla. Weddings are all officiated at by a Rov, and divorces are done through a Beis Din. At least with divorces there should be clear records of how many divorces happened in any given year in any kehilla. This can then be compared to the size of that kehilla to give an indication of the prevalent divorce rate. Doing this over many years would show if there has been any change and any trends