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Avram in MD

1. Avoiding screen time (phones, computers, etc.) for an hour minimum before he intends to go to sleep. Exposure to the brightness of these screens, even for a few minutes, tricks the brain into daytime mode.

2. Not trying to go to bed early to kick off his new schedule – that’s just frustrating. Instead, forcing himself to get up early the next morning no matter what. His body will be much more amenable to an earlier bedtime the subsequent nights.

3. Focusing on the benefits of tefilla b’tzibbur. The added strength to his prayers going up, the amens, the kedusha, the satisfaction of knowing he is doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing and in the right place.

4. A little physical reward for making it to shul, like a nice cup of coffee or breakfast item, is not a bad idea.

5. He should be very rigid with the new schedule for at least a month – this allows it to become routine.