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Little Froggie

OOHH!!!! Decades and life spans ago!!!!

(such GOOD OLD times..)

And now I come, again, to humbly beg Mechilla from anyone I may have hurt, angered, caused pain or distress, through any of my remarks. In a setting such as the CR it is often very hard to read into other’s circumstances, matzav, mood or situation. No one here knows if and what another may be suffering from, what makes them tick. His / her nisyonos, wants, cravings urges, indeed – entire makeup. So often a misstep or extra word in the wrong direction really rubs deep. Really deep. And hurtful. Very. (and if Mom wouldn’t be reading this, I’d say I know this from personal experience. Been there. Big time!!)

לעולם יהא אדם זהיר באונאת אשתו, שמתוך שדמעתה מצויה, אונאתה קרובה
Meforshim point out, it’s not only Ishto, it’s anyone in that Matzav. Anyone close to tears. And those tears are powerful… scary… Chazal enumerate some instances where tears were shed…

So, in light of the above, I beg each and every one of you, who I have tangled in the past, to please be Mochel me, with a full heart. I already made up, privately, to one I knew I hurt specifically, please too find it in your hearts to forgive.