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thats the problem affecting the ENTIRE WORLD today (jewish or not) it s called “FACING REALITY”

What happens today when tragedy strikes? everyone blocks it fom his face & says to themselves “what does hashem want from me?” i have nothing to do with 9/11 i dont work in NY i dont even go visit NY. i dont know who leiby Kletzky is…. but the truth is that we get Hashems wakeup call for teshuva in the back of our heads were just not ready to accept reality & tell Hashem that yes we get your message & we will do teshuva so that we dont need more tragedies to happen C”V. “we can’t fool Hashem” a person is the fool if he thinks he can fool Hashem. its one of the 13 ani maamins/ priorites of faith to be a yid. that hashem knows every thought that goes through a persons mind…..

may we finally all wake up to reality & face it. ex. better to face a problem when its small then live in denial & wait until its a much bigger problem. rather its about a child falling behind in school or a tiny health issue that can grow much worse C”V
