Reply To: So much toirah that I want to learn

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Yekke obviously is not a chassid.

I think I can safely agree with you on that.

One of the innovations of Chassidus was the telling of inspirational stories by the Rebbe. This was looked down upon by the others

You will notice that I deliberately pointed out that I was not “looking down” on storytelling and other such methods of inspiration. Inspiration – however it comes – is an essential tool when it comes to Avoidas Hashem, specifically in our generation when מוסר has been replaced by חיזוק. It just isn’t Torah.

The Nefesh HaChaim proves from Chaza”l that “Yirah” is the אוצר – storehouse, and תורה is the goods which you fill the storehouse with. Of course, תורה cannot be מתקיים without Yirah. But just amassing Yirah doesn’t help; that’s like fortifying a storehouse which you never fill up.

Of course you must listen to shiurim which inspire you to elevate yourself. You also must learn Torah. Don’t let one overtake the other.