Reply To: What’s the proper time for a bochur to daven shacharis during bein hazemanim?

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening What’s the proper time for a bochur to daven shacharis during bein hazemanim? Reply To: What’s the proper time for a bochur to daven shacharis during bein hazemanim?


I think it is לכתחילה to daven in any minyan that will catch Krias Shema uBirchoseho with Sof Zman Krias Shema, although I don’t think there is anything wrong with davening until Sof Zman Tefillah, provided you say Krias Shema bizmano.

My mother was once saying that she thinks it is a Chillul Hashem when she says Bnei Torah (aka Bochurim) going to daven at 10.
I tried to defend Bochurim International; I asked her that if Hashem asks us to daven between 6 and 11 (Sof zman tefillah today in London is 10.54), why does she think it is necessary to change the time from 6 to 9?
When my father heard me saying that there is no mekor to daven before sof zman tefillah, he gave me The Look, and said: אישתמיתיה שו”ע או”ח סי’ א’ סע’ א – I forgot the first halachah in Shulchan Aruch. יתגבר כארי לעמוד בבוקר עבודת בוראו שיהא הוא מעורר השחר