Reply To: The likelihood of raising a half black child as yeshivish

Home Forums Controversial Topics The likelihood of raising a half black child as yeshivish Reply To: The likelihood of raising a half black child as yeshivish


Thanks for your reply.
Our daughter is 100% Han
There were more than a few like her in her schools over the years.

BUT, you have presented a whole new scenario. Most who read the original post assumed 1/2 Black, 1/2 white. That’s why I asked the questions.
Your child will have more issues than a 1/2 white child. The small percentage of white in the DNA is of interest to you, but won’t matter to those meeting and interacting with your child…initial reactions are based on what meets the eyes.

Big city society is far more accepting than small town society of interracial people. European society much more accepting than Americans.