Reply To: The likelihood of raising a half black child as yeshivish

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This is a very interesting post. Leib, welcome. I give you a lot of credit for what you are doing. It seems to me, Chabad would be a good place for you. They have Yiden of many different backgrounds, and are open minded.
They are always looking out to be mekarev Yiden. Regarding your wife, once you are settled in a place, you will meet the Rabbi of the shul. Ask to meet the Rebetzin and introduce your wife to her. She will help her meet other ladies and become part of the community. If she doesn’t speak English well, look for classes, in your community, where they teach English. This is very important for her. It will help her make friends. When a person is ready to smile and be friendly, they can go a long way. Keep us posted of your progress. Hatzlacha Rabbah.