Reply To: Moving to the suburbs to escape the Orthodox ghetto

Home Forums Local & Neighborhood Issues Moving to the suburbs to escape the Orthodox ghetto Reply To: Moving to the suburbs to escape the Orthodox ghetto


It’s a free country and anybody can choose to argue with Rav Miller if they choose. But it’s wrong to superimpose your own own ideals onto those of the Rav. The Rav said many times that it is preferable to choose to live in the most densely Jewish populated area. He said that the more crowded with frum Jews, the better. Of course, when it came to individual people asking for advice, he took a lot of other factors into consideration, but as a general rule, he said that it is preferable to live in a place that is most densely populate with other Orthodox Jews. It wasn’t just an issue of, “Does the suburb have the basic needs to live a faithful Orthodox Jewish. He believed that the ratzon Hashem was that we should live among as many Jews as possible in an environment that is bustling and crowded with frum Jews, all trying to serve Hashem as best as they could. Not only that, but he understood this ideal as being the basic pshat for why the Toras Hashem says that walled cities in Eretz Yisroel have a higher level of kedusha than unwalled cities (see his peirush on Va’yikra 25:29, 25:31 as well as many of his shiurim where he discusses the din of a metzora having to leave a walled city because of its inherent kedusha).