Reply To: Apple Throwing Tisch……………………I don’t get it

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Apple Throwing Tisch……………………I don’t get it Reply To: Apple Throwing Tisch……………………I don’t get it

Little Froggie

ZD, the point of Sheraim IS to eat it. And its source is from the Torah:
ועבדתם את יהוה אלהיכם וברך את לחמך ואת מימיך והסרתי מחלה מקרבך
Someone who serves HaShem will have his ‘bread’ blessed, HaShem ‘blesses’ the food, so that והסרתי מחלה מקרבך – it attains some power / segulah to keep sicknesses away.