Reply To: No mention of the huge techailes event in Boro Park on Chol Hamoed?!

Home Forums Bais Medrash No mention of the huge techailes event in Boro Park on Chol Hamoed?! Reply To: No mention of the huge techailes event in Boro Park on Chol Hamoed?!


Assuming one decides to “wear techeiles”, does one follow the shitta of tosfos (2 of the 4 on each corner are techiles resulting in 4 blue and 4 white per corner) ), rambam (only 1/2 of the 4 should be techeiles resulting in 7 white and one blue per corner) or the raavad (who holds an entire string is blue resulting in 6 white and 2 blue per corner.

once you decide that, then, there are many opinions how to tie the strings.