Reply To: No mention of the huge techailes event in Boro Park on Chol Hamoed?!

Home Forums Bais Medrash No mention of the huge techailes event in Boro Park on Chol Hamoed?! Reply To: No mention of the huge techailes event in Boro Park on Chol Hamoed?!


ubiquitin: This is getting tedious, but I shall try to explain this simple concept to you one last time. ‘as you admit as there is no race to fullfil mitzvos…’ I have never ‘admitted’ such an absurd concept. Of course there is a ‘race to fulfill every mitzva possible, do you argue on the Mishna of ‘לעולם הוה רץ לדבר מצוה’?! All I said was that a מצוה קיומית meaning a mitzvah that there is no obligation to do unless wanted to, אין חיוב קיום מוטל על האדם. But of course he should do it if he can. But giving a get is NOT even a מצוה קיומית, there is no reason why one should divorce if not needed, it is a last resort, if nothing else can help, but of המביא שלום בין איש לאשתו אוכל פירותיהם בעולם הזה! As such every logical indivisual should understand the difference between Gitten and other mitzvohs.
As for yibbum, again your comparison is fundamentally off. The reason why we do Chalitza over Yibbum is because Chazal knew that most people perform Yibbum the wrong way as it is CLEARLY written in Mesechtes Yevamos. it is not US who ‘forgo it’, Chazal have stated that we are not מקיים מצות יבום כהלכתו. So again it is not a kiyum mitzvas Yibbum which we ‘forgo’ rather it is mitzvahs chalitza which CAN be done the correct way which takes precedence.
But of course any mitzvah that CAN be done correctly, any person with half a mind should RUN and do it.חכם לב לקח מצות.
DY: The Yehushuas Malko is irrelevant to the present discussion as the issues raised in the teshuva were only relevant to the Rezhiners techeilis. Sorry to bust your bubble.

As to the Gedolim, again you miss the point. The Gedolim in question say that the have not been מברר the מציאות. And Rav Chaim Kenievzky said that one is entitled to disagree with him and should wear techilis.
י”ט אייר תשע”ב ז”ל הגר”ח קניבסקי שליט”א: אז איר האלט אז איר ווייסט ברור, זענט איר מחויב על פי דין!

as to the Pri Chadash etc, I know that you have not seen it, which is what I meant that before you write any comment do the research before.

Please think before you answer this, and do not just answer off the cuff.