Reply To: Moving to the suburbs to escape the Orthodox ghetto

Home Forums Local & Neighborhood Issues Moving to the suburbs to escape the Orthodox ghetto Reply To: Moving to the suburbs to escape the Orthodox ghetto


There are “frum” people and there are “frum” people…..not all frum tziburs are created equally and the degrees of tolerance (and intolerance) vary widely. Its not just an MO vs. Chareidi issue….Rav Miller was right but for the wrong reasons. The point being that many frum yidden really do want to escape from a ghetto where they are unhappy with their interactions with the local frum community and “escape” to another frum community where they find more tolerance, diversity and a higher quality of life. This mindless notion that being packed together with other yidden at higher densities and fewer amenities will bring a yid closer to hashem and create a more pure hashkafah simply doesn’t work for a growing number of yidden, especially younger couples looking to grow a family.