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The return of this thread to the front page of the CR is unfortunate. There is no obligation or benefit to being a gadol hador. Noach did not merit being the survivor of the Mabul because he was the gadiol hador. He was saved because Hashem considered him a tzaddik. HKB”H even makes an oath at birth with every individual to be a tzaddik and nor a rosho. Never, ever is there a guidance from Torah to become a gadol hador. There is a myth that by making yeshivos exclusive that one produces gedolei hador. To date, no one has seen this as the outcome of the exclusivity.
Next, the question implies that one’s success is the result of specific parenting experiences. Sorry, but I gotta laugh. It is absurd. Everyone has their own endowed Divine gifts. We are each commissioned with a period of time on this world where we are to utilize these gifts to our potential. If I cannot sing, it is unfair to me and others to send to the amud for a tefiloh on Shabbos or Yomtov. To dictate to someone what their future must be is something a human cannot legitimately do. There is much that parents can do, and to defocus onto a societal position is plainly stupid.
There is the famous quite from the Rebbe Reb Zusia who noted that “When I will be called in front of Beis Din Shel Maaloh, I will not be asked why I was not the Rambam or Rabbenu Tam. I will be asked why I was not Zusia.”
P.S. There are many versions of this quote, with varying names in place of Rambam or Rabbenu Tam. Let’s not get hung up on this minor detail.