Reply To: A letter to the OU

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🍫Syag Lchochma

Zdad – I understand what you are saying, and I think it is great when you try to advocate giving room to people instead of taking a harsh approach that may cause them to fall farther away. But you have to understand that giving people room and sparing the stick is not possible when Torah is being violated. If you are telling people not to be so harsh because you know Torah is truth and you don’t want people to give it up than you are right. But when you start posting that we have to use the carrot approach and not the stick when it means allowing people to do things that are unquestionably AGAINST Torah, then you are not really supporting torah at all, you are just supporting liberalism. No matter how accepting and positive you want to be, and I am almost always with you on that, you are not allowed to give a green light to breaking actual Halacha for the sake of peace (except extenuating circumstances). Your love for peace should not be more of a priority than your love for Gd, even though some kiruv professionals say to do so, it is not proven to work. The people you are protecting will see hypocracy. there must be an ultimate cause that you are fighting for.