Reply To: Shailos – Psak Halacha Hotlines

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“First of all, if he didn’t acknowledge the other psak as legitimate, he wouldn’t send you there.”

True, then again My Rav recognizes Rabbi Forst as legitimate, and presumably Rabbi Forst recognizes his hotline as legitimate. so I still dont see the difference.

“Second, if the rav would agree with you that you can skip the second rav, why is he telling you to go to him?”

I’m not sure what you mean, Im not skipping the second Rav. my scenario is where my Rav is machmir on Chalv yisroel/Family planning/opening bottles on Shabbos etc. My Rav agrees that there are legitimate poskim that are meikil on these things.
I dont understand the difference between Asking my Rav who I KNOW will tell me go ask so-and-so. and just going ahead and asking so-and-so on my own. I do admit that who the “so-and-so” is matters and that not all 3 of those examples are on equal footing. but at least for SOME of them (eg chalav yisroel) Rabbi Forst, and anyone he deems worthy is a legitamte “so-and-so”

“Every bais horaah/hotline is under a big posek, but he’s not answering every shailah – that’s why there’s a bais horaah….And the poskim answering for the batei horaah aren’t as big, otherwise people would be calling them directly.”

forgive me, perhaps I am naive. but Doesn’t the One overseeing the bais horaah, vet those who answer the shalos. And doesn’t that vetting include them knowing what questions are above their “paygrade”

“I’m not saying they don’t serve an important function, but they shouldn’t be for certain types of shailos.”
Agreed. but chalav Yisroel, I think they can handle