Reply To: Why are the lakewood rabbanim so against an eruv in thier Town??

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Why are the lakewood rabbanim so against an eruv in thier Town?? Reply To: Why are the lakewood rabbanim so against an eruv in thier Town??


GAON: :True, as explained by the Aruch HaSulchan (345) who holds that only towns that have that particular structure of one main street are to be classified as a Reshus Harabim.”

Since some disagree with the AH i always cite the rayos from the Gemara.

“In fact, if you look into Rashi Eruvin (59b) he says as the following
אלא לאורכה – דרך עיירות להיות פתחי פילושיהן לאורכם ורה”ר עוברת מפתח לפתח וחלוקה לאורכה הלכך אין בני עבר הלז רשאין לערב לבדן ובני עבר הלז לבדן משום דהני והני דרסי בהך רה”ר ויוצאין ונכנסין דרך פתחים לכאן ולכאן ורה”ר זו מחברתם שכולם מעורבין בה ואסרי אהדדי
As you can see the typical structure explained by Rashi, in the times of the Talmud, was with one main street.”

Correct, there are more proofs from the Rishonim that this is what they are referring to when the use the qualifier, “city.” (E.g. the Tosfos Rid and Semag.)