Reply To: Why are the lakewood rabbanim so against an eruv in thier Town??

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Why are the lakewood rabbanim so against an eruv in thier Town?? Reply To: Why are the lakewood rabbanim so against an eruv in thier Town??


I have been to Lakewood quite a few times and know the area fairly well. There is an Eruv in Lakewood although I dont know the exact boundaries (Ive never cross route 9 ) Is there more than one communal eruv. and there are signs in certain places telling you that there is no eruv.

Also Route 9 in Lakewood is not exactly the same Rt 9 as further up like in Howell or Freehold where I wouldnt cross route 9 under any circumstance, however I would (and Have) crossed route 9 in lakewood. In Freehold and Howell Rt 9 is more like an expressway and in lakewood is more of a regular st