Reply To: The Chofetz Chaim’s Best Friend — How not to be friends or a spouse

Home Forums Family Matters The Chofetz Chaim’s Best Friend — How not to be friends or a spouse Reply To: The Chofetz Chaim’s Best Friend — How not to be friends or a spouse


Bless your soul, be we know about mitzvos and learning and the whole 9.
From a human standpoint, Hashem created us to be social animals— some are more, some less.
I’m not a big social person but I respect others who are.
Please keep this in mind:
Ask any parent who has a child with social issues and has difficulty making friends, how it feels.
It’s a heartache, a searing, painful heartache. First, let’s grow up to be at least semi- normal and healthy, then we’ll deal with mitzvos and mussar and the like.
Whatever you , don’t revise bio history of rabbis, rebbes, ravs, tzaddikim on us. Besides being a pack of lies, it’s not a way for us to model them. They played ball, chess, fought at school like the rest of us.