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Home Forums Employment & Business Issues Must a Shul Select Only Someone Who Is Married To Be Chazan? Reply To: Must a Shul Select Only Someone Who Is Married To Be Chazan?


To Honda 613….My Yiddish-English dictionary had no listing for “gifeelechtz” but I assume it means something like “with great emotion and kavanah”. I would agree with you entirely that logically, there is no logical nexus between a yid being married and having the requisite attributes for being a chazzan (in terms of his yiddishkeit, lamdus, etc).
As to the banner ad I noticed posted on the right side of the page, the ad simply said it was for “a European Shul” and presumably a full time position but it did not mention the name of the country or city where the shul was located.

P.S. I personally prefer a chazzan who has the ability to invoke emotions with the old-time nigunnim and a modest degree of chazanus but who can also articualte the ivrit so it is intelligible, I’m not a big fan of every other teffilah having to be rearranged into a shlomo karlbach nigun….Chazan YM Helfgott is someone whom I have had the privilege to hear many times and meets that standard for me along with Yanky Lemer (both at MO shuls) but I’m certain others have their own preferences.