Reply To: Six Days of Creation – Refreshing

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Yes, but that doesn’t do any more to answer the question, because I would assume that Hashem re-creates the spiritual worlds as well.

What that was addressing was the question why, if I’m responsible for my intention although the result is not up to me, is there a halachic distinction as to whether someone is chayiv misa cvs. Meaning they are only chayiv if they actually kill the person, but not if they wanted to, so why the distinction?

I’m answering that they did kill him, on a metaphysical level. And will be punished for it milimaala unless he does teshuva. Just here in the earthly realm, bes din is extremely cautious with putting one to death (for example circumstantial evidence is never accepted) so that they don’t end up killing someone who was really innocent.

Hashem knows the heart and He judges by it. We metals can only judge what our eyes see happen.

Ie hanistoros laHashem Elokeinu vhaniglos lanu ulvoneinu ….