Reply To: Keeping Mental Illness A Secret In Shidduchim🤕 🤒🤐👰🤵

Home Forums Shidduchim Keeping Mental Illness A Secret In Shidduchim🤕 🤒🤐👰🤵 Reply To: Keeping Mental Illness A Secret In Shidduchim🤕 🤒🤐👰🤵


East12th- I don’t know anything about treatment of psychologica l diseases with conventional medication vs non-conventional, but since you have cancer as an example, I want to refute that.
You said :”there are clearly environmental and lifestyle factors that are a major part of the problem.”
Of course. Yet one cancer develops, it needs to be treated- with the best that medicine has to offer today, which can often be successful, although unfortunately not always. At this point making changes in lifestyle and nutrition will not cure the cancer, although it may strengthen the person and make the chemo more tolerable. Stopping smoking will not cure lung cancer, avoiding sun exposure will not cure skin cancer, even though undeniably, smoking and sun exposure are strong factors in disease development.

By the way, aren’t the vitamin and supplement makers also in it for the money? Don’t they also use strong marketing techniques to convince people to buy their product? Aren’t they also making money off of sick people?