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@ubiquitin no I get it. What I’m saying is that Hashem isn’t limited to any sort of sense in any paradigm whether the paradigm is working within nature or being above / breaking narrow. Both of those have a certain logic they need to abide by and Hashem isn’t limited by that.

The example of the Aron:

The statement “The Aron takes up space,” is both true abs false at the same time.

Or by Chanukah (according to the source isn’t you.)

The statement “the oil burned” is both true and game at the same time.

Hashem can do the impossible nimna hanimnaos is called.

He can break any logic and be within that logic at the same time.

Of course the biggest paradox is yet to come with the Geula – when our materialistic, physical bodies will see Hashem with no filters, whereas now either we live here and don’t see Him, or Above even the avos etc get to see a limited manifestation of Him or they’d be blown out of existence…

And when moshiach comes, WE as we are physically, will see HASHEM with no filters, not even the filter of being above nature, and yet well just be normal…