Reply To: PANDAS

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Thank you for sharing Winnie The Pooh! <3

I’m sorry I don’t have any help for you in regards to PANDAS at this moment. I’m just learning about the disorder from you.

It sounds like you have so much on your plate, and you are doing what you need to do to get the best care and future for your son. Figuring out a diagnosis is a trial-and-error process, and you’re doing amazing by being your son’s advocate here. I commend you for your persistence!

Whether your son has PANDAS or not, the solution or treatment here is not easy or clearcut, but b’esrat Hashem this [turbulence] too shall pass and your son and family will become stronger and closer as you grow through this together.

Keep being the Ema that your son needs right now.

Sending you major chizzuk!!! <3 <3 <3