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Joseph – having read a number of threads that originated from you, I have come to the following conclusions:
1. You need a job. Any job. Clearly, you are bored & lonely. This will give you less time to be an agent provocateur whose mission is to cause trouble on YWN
2. You are clearly anti Chabad… in fact, you are anti most things. Please refer me to a thread that YOU started that is praising anyone or any thing. Because I don’t recall any.
Now I can respond to your thinly-veiled sneers. I have 2 daughters on Shlichus, both in Europe. Their children are extremely frum and Chassidish – because their parents set strong examples. They know they can’t eat in other people’s homes & they are fine with it. Their mothers send them with their own party bags to birthday parties. Every time there is a Chabad Yom Tov they have their own farbrengens at home. They daven every day. Before bed, they daven, learn RamBam (I am talking about pre-bar/bat mitzvah) say Krias Shema etc. They get their own negel vasser (the oldest gets for the babies.) They say Tehillim daily. They are all tzanua, no matter the temperature. They are homeschooled/online Chabad school & they test way better than their peers. They go out of their way to help bring Yiddishkeit to old and young alike. And they do it all willingly, with great pride.
The ruchniyos is there. But there isn’t the gashmius that you probably see where you live; they don’t need it, they have everything they need and want, including toys, games, clothes, family time, schooling and camps. They are just as happy with clothes from Target as many kids are from the fanciest stores in Boro Park or Monsey…or Lakewood.
I really think it’s about time you & other posters who are resentful/intimidated/threatened by Chabad actually go visit an OTT Chabad House. Talk to the children, then maybe you will have the respect for us as you expect us to have for the Litvish/Yeshivish community.