Reply To: Chabad Shlichus – Risk of Sacrificing Own Family’s Ruchniyos?

Home Forums Family Matters Chabad Shlichus – Risk of Sacrificing Own Family’s Ruchniyos? Reply To: Chabad Shlichus – Risk of Sacrificing Own Family’s Ruchniyos?


@CS, Thanks for your reply about Gateshead/Newcastle above.

, Chinuch Shlichus, is where the shluchim live ‘In town’ but teach in the mosdos hachinuch. (Am I right?) Ohr LaGolah also has this type of graduates.

, “Geordie613+1 = Geordie614”
Incorrect. Firstly, Geordie(613+1) = Geordie614. Secondly, 614 is NOT a thing.