Reply To: Chabad Shlichus – Risk of Sacrificing Own Family’s Ruchniyos?

Home Forums Family Matters Chabad Shlichus – Risk of Sacrificing Own Family’s Ruchniyos? Reply To: Chabad Shlichus – Risk of Sacrificing Own Family’s Ruchniyos?


@chabadshlucha Joseph’s question and mine are the same for the purpose of this discussion.

I reckon I have more experience in pnimiyus then you do, and thank G-d this forum is anonymous, or I might get thrown out of my (very litvishe) Kollel for saying so. Though truthfully, you may be right, I strongly suspect this is not the case. Before we even go there, let us please not confuse chassidus , specifically that of Chabad, with Kabbalah. They are not the same.

I don’t know if the modding has gotten more strict, and derailing a thread gets your posts banned, in any case I’m glad to open a thread on the topic. I must admit, I’m encouraged the sinas chinam card wasn’t played off the bat, and perhaps we can have a discussion that will bear results. Please look out for my thread.