Reply To: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay

Home Forums Controversial Topics @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay Reply To: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay


Just to put this conversation into perspective, the following were the previous comment that led to this new thread. Note that Toi said his question is the same as mine, but CS said it is a different question. So that sameness/difference can also be addressed. CS can respond to my question separately if she feels it’s a different question than Toi’s.

ChabadShlucha originally wrote:

…when I was just married and my husband decided to go to kollel cuz that’s what the Rebbe said… So we wrote into the Rebbe and got a letter that said that my husband should learn in a place with a …

[Note that CS has stated she was born after the Rebbe was niftar. Also at Chabad chasunas today they often read a letter that is announced to be that the Rebbe wrote to the newlyweds. The question here being how is a Rebbe that is in Gan Eden giving detailed instructions to the living on what to do.]

I responded:

What’s this business about you speaking to the Rebbe, writing to the Rebbe, and the Rebbe giving you answers and advice? Do you go to his Ohel for these speaking/writing and find a note from him written upstairs in Shamayim and sent downstairs to you in your mailbox?

Toi wrote:

I think we’ll all welcome the explanation of how it’s muttar to daven to a mimutzah, unless the Rebbe is Atzmuso Yisborach, like it says in his sicha, in which case we’ve got a much bigger problem.

ChabadShlucha responded:

Anyhow back to toi, you have a different question than Joseph : his is how today’s lubavitchers maintain hiskashrus, yours is about the role of tzaddikim in general… Not to mention that in your post you are clueless, as the way you understand the Rebbe’s words is completely skewed. Similar maybe, to a goy who sees Jews call themselves the chosen nation, and therefore concludes we must want to treat all goyim like the Nazis did. Completely off…

Toi wrote:

Joseph’s question and mine are the same for the purpose of this discussion… let us please not confuse chassidus , specifically that of Chabad, with Kabbalah. They are not the same…