Reply To: Proving the existence of G-d

Home Forums Wonders of Creation Proving the existence of G-d Reply To: Proving the existence of G-d

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Would you please explain how we go from Rabbi Millers proof for the existence of G-D that you quoted in the OP to the proper conception of G-D that you quoted a couple of posts back?

@ beee
“i think that there are ways to prove G-d in this world but there are people that will rather take clear proofs that there is a G-d running the world and explain it according to nature. So yes, everything really douse come down to having emuna!!”

I think you meant to say: there are people that will rather take clear proofs that there is not a G-d running the world and explain it according to nature

If that is what you meant to say it’s incompetent. There are no such proofs, not even fuzzy ones and certainly not clear ones. Not even the most ardent avowed atheist / materialist has proposed PROOFS for non existence.