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Anyhow because Joseph is getting impatient here’s the concept in a few points.feel free to ask on anything.
Memutza hamafsik is when someone goes to an intermediary, (outside of him) to go to Hashem for him. This can even be a malach or spiritual powers such as the 70 sarim etc. For a yid this is avoda zara as we need to go directly to Hashem with nothing serving as a bridge in between.
Mimutza hamechaber is when we’re all one so you’re not going to someone in between. Like the knot of a rope is the rope itself.
To explain:
Every yid has a neshama which is at its essence, one with Hashem, that’s why when a Jew is faced with the certain prospect of cutting himself off from Hashem, he will find up his life, like we see by avoda zara. Then we come into this world which looks the furthest thing from Hashem.
Our mission is to show how this world, which looks as far as it can get from Hashem, is really one with Hashem by living that reality in Torah and mitzvos life.
All yidden are one neshama split between many bodies. The “brain” of the neshama, is the Rebbe.
This means, just like the brain of the child is the only part that stays the same essence as the brain of its father, so too the neshamos of our leaders are one with Hashem’s chochma, they are our deepest part.
So when you go to the Rebbe for a Bracha etc your connecting to the deepest part of your own neshama.
However the Rebbe serves a double function: He is also Hashem’s messenger / ambassador on earth to help every yid internalise their inborn emuna and live according to it.
So when the Rebbe, (a tzadik according to the definition of Tanya), tells you something, he’s not telling you his personal opinion of what you should do with your life, rather, Hashem is giving you personal guidance through the Rebbe.
Hashem setup this system in the midbar and from then on. Which is why the yidden always came asking Moshe for everything, but doing the same with the eigel was avoda zara.
Now you can also understand the medrash tehillim on kapitl tzadik “Tefilla lMoshe Ish hoelokim” “Moshe’s lower half was human and upper half- Elokim.”
Meaning, he was so transparent, had no ego etc, until Hashem could speak through him and he could say “I will give grass…”
Alright lots here, ask whatever isn’t clear.