Reply To: GMOs linked to 3rd generation sterility, yet OU says they are Kosher, why?

Home Forums Health & Fitness GMOs linked to 3rd generation sterility, yet OU says they are Kosher, why? Reply To: GMOs linked to 3rd generation sterility, yet OU says they are Kosher, why?


Mrs Plony is right. Lesschumras is wrong. Cross breeding is not genetic engineering as the term is generally used. Cross breeding works just fine, as it has for millennia. It’s a relatively simple process that does not require elaborate equipment. Amateur gardeners do it all the time. On the other hand genetic engineering is a recent innovation, requiring a great deal of scientific knowledge and elaborate equipment. One of the most common genetically engineered crops is Roundup-ready soybeans. Roundup is a herbicide used to kill weeds, but it doesn’t differentiate between weeds and desired plants. Monsanto created a variety of soybeans that is resistant to Roundup so the herbicide can be applied to soybean fields and kill only the weeds. They did this by incorporating genes from two types of bacteria and from the petunia into soybean DNA. They did this not with a virus (as the OP claims is the case for GMO), but something called a “gene gun.” This explanation is culled from Wikipedia, so (a) it may not be entirely accurate, and (b) it’s based upon my layman’s reading of rather dense scientific explanations.