Reply To: Working boys and shidduchim

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Hi, girl in shidduchim here.
You sound like a great guy, if I was redt it to you, I’d find out a few things. For one, I know how important Torah is, and I understand not everyone is cut out to learn, but I’d be wary of the fact you don’t learn at all. Yes, not everyone is cut out for even 1 3/4 hur seder, but no daily chavrusa for an hour learning at your own pace? Or shuir at night? Not even daf yomi? What about a chabura? A mussar shuir? A shuir that isn’t such in depth learning? There’s so much out there, Torah is what makes a man closer to God and gives him life. Maybe the tradition seder isn’t for you, but not learning at all on a daily basis in any way, shape, or form?

What are you doing to stay true to your ideals? To have the right mindset and values in yourself? To keep growing spiritually? This worries me, being that you are still very young, although I’d be wary if you were 25 too, the fact that you are 21 and learning isn’t really in your life at all doesn’t make me run, but rather want/need to get more information.

BESIDES for the learning, if you had valid reasons, and it turns out you are doing SOMETHING, ANYTHING in the learning/growing department. Even learning a sefer with a friend for a half an hour a day, I’d look at your middos and your hashkafah.

For me, I’m looking for someone who wants to stay in Israel, who fits into the chareidi society and doesn’t have issues with it. Someone honest, real to themselves about where they are and what they need to do, have a rabbi they talk to, don’t watch movies, don’t have a smartphone, have filtered internet, etc.

Also I don’t speak yeshivish, what is knaas?