Reply To: Working boys and shidduchim

Home Forums Shidduchim Working boys and shidduchim Reply To: Working boys and shidduchim


schneubs, you sound like a great guy i agree with what shopping613 said and i also think you don’t need to worry about shidduchim, you just need to be yourself and be proud of yourself and your accomplishments, even though its hard watching people enjoy what you can’t and is so important, just make sure you have a true derech in judaism with a rav to keep you safe.
i’m having it hard myself deciding between full time learning and parnassah, i don’t know yet what i’m gonna do but i truly admire both sides- the one who can sit and learn with bitachon that hashem can send him parnassah and those like you who recognize their abilities, are committed to hashem and his torah and take upon themselves the parnassah.
good luck with everything your trying to achieve now and shidduchim when your ready.