Reply To: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay

Home Forums Controversial Topics @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay Reply To: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay

Neville ChaimBerlin

“If anything, we (meaning Litvish yeshiva trained people) are more culturally similar to Chabad than to other chassidim.”

If by “culturally” you refer strictly to dress code and nothing else, then yes.

I would personally assert that the difference in learning regiment and the very clear alcohol culture of Chabad are cultural differences where we would be more similar to the Chassidim than to Chabad.