Reply To: Are Reiki and similar “therapies” consider Avizrayu D’avoda Zara?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Are Reiki and similar “therapies” consider Avizrayu D’avoda Zara? Reply To: Are Reiki and similar “therapies” consider Avizrayu D’avoda Zara?

☕ DaasYochid ☕

Why would people do something that might be Avoda Zara just for the placebo effect?

Who says it doesn’t work? I once saw somewhere (I don’t remember where) that the ta’ava for a”z was that it worked – through koach hatumah. Not ch”v a separate r’shus, but rather allowed by Hashem to to give us s’char for following His will even if it means foregoing the benefits.