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February 13, 2018 1:57 pm at 1:57 pm
Avoda Zara means one thing only, Avoda. Avoda is worship. Believing or attributing things and power is bad Hashkafa. Call it Apikursus if you want. It’s not Avoda Zara.
Now, it’s obviously funny to call an act Apikursus. Well, it’s worse to call an act in your own livingroom Avoda Zara.
Our Masechta Avoda Zara is growing larger than that of Avraham Avinu. Add alternative medicine, joining the Israeli army, having a smartphone, going to a Mekubal, getting a Bracha from a Rebbe, asking advice from a Talmid Chacham. Wow. Each one has many Prakim. Vehamachmir Tavi Avdo.