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mentch 1
“They occupy roughly the same time frame. So is it possible to say that with throwing gili arayis out the window we have also thrown out shficas damim?”

not really, because other countries with similar (and worse) gilui arayos do not have the shooting rates we do.

“Then there is a machlokes in daas Torah since ALL the LORs I have consulted support gun ownership as proper hishtadlus.”

Do they oppose said gun ownershp being “well regulated” ?

“f you sincerely care to listen to the opposing point of view go listen to conservative thinkers like Ben Shapiro.”
I have.

“My point was you can debate this issue from a religious perspective and from a democratic perspective, but you shouldn’t conflate the two arguments.”

Was that addressed to me? You were the one who brought up the religious perspective and it doesnt make any sense as I pointed out since it can easil be used either way (though perhaps easier used to support gun control.) Keep religion out of it particularly as you say “Then there is a machlokes in daas Torah” Though I am quite skeptical that there is any “daas torah” that supports selling guns to those with a history of domestic violence and for that matter I am skeptical there are many LOR’s with guns.