Reply To: Is there any way to prevent mass shootings????

Home Forums In The News Is there any way to prevent mass shootings???? Reply To: Is there any way to prevent mass shootings????


“Don’t the jewish schools in Europe have armed guards despite the restrictive gun laws?”

( I though I replied earlier I’ll repost)

Yes, I Frnace there are armed gaurds (though Iassume you agree this is unfortunate correct me if Im wrong)
As you probably know the gaurds arent there to prevent a kid from killing17 of his schoolmates. It is for an entirely different reason.
Im not sure why so many find this simple point confusing. nobody is arguing that gun control measures would solve all problems. Just as it is nonsensical to argue (although one poster sort of did) that we shouldn’t lock cockpits after 9/11 since it wouldn’t have prevented Oklahoma city, it is equally nonsensical to argue that we shouldnt enact stricter gun control measures since it wouldn’t prevent terrorism or all murder.